Performance Evaluations
The framework for employee valuations was approved today in the last legislative step needed for it to be implemented. There was discussion presented by Rep. Julie Mayberry over concerns of the six month ineligibility rule. Given that this would effect 13 people and that this rule was included by the governor and key legislators we asked that it carry forward without amendment. We do not want to jeopardize the ability for twenty-eight thousand plus employees to be evaluated by holding up the process. Our full attention is to help move along the process of getting new money into the hands of state employees as best as we can.
With the framework now in place managers across Arkansas will be educated on the new system in order to process the evaluations.
As far as the timeline of approving raises and how much is usually released in May.
report continues below....

Fiscal Session
We continue to hear that a special monetary package for state employees is being considered for the upcoming fiscal session. It is too early in the process as to what that looks like except that they are in continued talks as the Governor and key legislators work on the overall state budget. We hear that they may add an extra perk such as additional comp time. Nothing is set in stone yet but we like what we are hearing.
Consulting Group
We have heard your concerns over the state hiring and outside consulting group to look at government efficiency. We are tracking this and would like to take note that in every discussion we have heard the areas of efficiency cited are fleet management, procurement, and information technology. Fleet management seems to be a hot topic at the capitol lately as an area of immediate savings.
This firm will also present a pay plan re-design in June for officials to consider. This will be our number one priority.
Have a great long weekend and thank you for being a member of ASEA!