Happy Friday ASEA Members,
Below is the second version of the Performance Evaluation guidelines coming up for review in ALC - Personnel next Wednesday, February 14th, at 1:30. If it passes out of Wednesday's committee it then has to be adopted by the full Arkansas Legislative Council on Friday, February 16th.
We need these policies in place so that you can have the ability to get evaluated to receive performance raises. The decision of approving these raises and how much has historically been announced around May towards the end of the states fiscal year.
Notable Changes:
There is no mandatory bell curve. Even though that line was removed from this version it has come from the Governor's office that there will be no bell curve. We heard that twice.
Grades are reduced to a value of 1-4. This does not mean that 4% is the highest an employee may receive.
There is an appeals process within your agency.
The grading criteria is agency wide.
continued below....

The news that excites us the most is that we may soon find out more details of a possible additional monetary compensation given to state employees during the upcoming fiscal session. Keep following us as this story develops.

Quick Hits:
Scholarship winners will be announced soon. Letters should go out in about a week.
Batesville - Thank you for rolling out! We had over 70 employees attend our meeting this week.
Thank you for being a member of ASEA and have a great weekend. Go KC!
John Bridges, Executive Director. jbridges@aseaar.org or 501-378-0187.